Thanks for your interest in my free resources. These informative, self-reflective resources are valuable and in some cases are shared by permission. You can access them by providing your email address to join my newsletter list.

Wheel of Life

Rank your level of satisfaction in each of the nine life areas. Knowing where you are satisfied and less than satisfied is a great place to start a coaching conversation.

Values and Needs

Knowing what you need to get through life (needs) and what makes life worth living for you (values) helps you align with your goals and why you may be feeling less than fulfilled in your life.

Therapist vs. Coach

It’s common to confuse the difference between what a psychotherapist does and what a coach does to help their clients. This 2-page written document and table, re-published by permission, helps clarify some of the common misconceptions people have about therapists vs. coaches.

Midlife Women’s Self-Assessment

This self-assessment is designed to help midlife women reflect on key areas of their lives, including personal growth, health, relationships, and career. It’s an opportunity to identify strengths, uncover challenges, gain clarity on your goals and priorities as you navigate this transformative phase of life.

Coachability Self-Test

Do you want to know if coaching is right for you? Download your free copy of my Coachability Self-Test and rate your response to 9 thought-provoking questions

Processing Modalities Chart

Are you a visual learner or more kinesthetic? Are you super sensitive to sounds or smells? Knowing how you process information can help you and those who know you, understand how best to communicate with you.  As a coach, knowing your learning style is especially useful as it means we can “speak” the same language.